Monday, November 28, 2011

Tallong Community Focus Group Newsletter - November 2011

Tallong Community Focus Group Newsletter Nov 2011

Party time…
Christmas is a-coming and fast… and the Tallong Christmas Party arrangements are in full swing. The party is on Saturday 10th December at the Tallong Memorial Hall starting at 5.30pm with a barbecue organised by the Rural Fire Service and the Tallong Community Focus Group. They will also provide nibbles, salads and desserts.   Adults should BYOG and soft drinks will be available for sale.
Santa will arrive at 7pm on board an RFS truck with a bag full of goodies.  And there be children’s games from 7.30pm. We expect to be finished by 8.30pm. We are looking for decorations for the Christmas tree and some festive items suitable for Christmas hampers to be presented as ‘lucky door prizes’ on the night.
Entry is by a gold coin donation. But for catering purposes we need to know the numbers of adults and children. So please let us know if you are coming by Thursday 1 December at the latest. Just fill in the form below and put it in the TCFG post box at the Tallong General Store or Email
TCFG contact details:
Margaret Bottichio Ph 4841 0324;
Lionel Willison Ph 0418 609 572;
Geoff Clark Ph 4841 0577 or 0437 409 336

Tallong Community Dinner at Santa Sabina College, February 25, 2012 - Book Now!
We’re also looking for bookings for next year’s dinner at Santa Sabina on the theme of the Native Plants of Tallong on Saturday 25 February.  We’re already getting inquiries so it’s likely to be very popular and the numbers are going to be limited. So why not make up a table and book it in.
Guest speaker will be the well-known author, environmentalist, and broadcaster Paul Collins who will talk about environmental aspects of the Southern Highlands and in particular the Tallong region. He is well known as a witty and inspirational speaker and author of a popular book on the history of bushfires in Australia.
The evening will start at 6pm with nibbles and drinks followed by a Twilight Walk through various different ecological systems on the campus. Dinner will be at 7.30pm and Paul will speak after the main course. There will be an opportunity for questions and chat with Paul after the dinner.  The price is $15pp and includes nibbles, main course and dessert as well as the walk and the guest speaker. Drink is BYOG.
But we need to know numbers for catering purposes as soon as possible. So please can you fill in the form at the bottom of the page and hand it in to the Tallong General Store. Please don’t put the form or money in the TCFG box. 

Dugald or Janet Black Ph 4841 0613;
Sharyn Ward 4841 1502 or 0418 286 008
John Lombard 4841 0265 or 0424 956 534

Police Patrols…

Goulburn Mayor Geoff Kettle told the Community Outreach meeting in Tallong this month that a speed gun trailer is to be put in the village of Tallong in the near future. This will be backed up with police patrols targeting speeding.  So be well advised to keep to the 50kph speed limit going through the village.

The Outreach meeting also decided on action over the naming and numbering of streets and roads in Tallong. The meeting agreed the present situation was unworkable.  For example, the confusion of Bumballa Street vs Bumballa Road has resulted in emergency vehicles arriving at the wrong address on a regular basis. It was agreed that a small action committee of the TCFG Secretary and a Council member will investigate the whole problem and recommend solutions to the Council.

Many residents will be pleased to learn from Council that the dip in the Highland Way between the railway underpass and the Hume Highway is scheduled to be removed in next year’s work program.
Before the meeting, the Council Manager and Works Supervisor carried out a site inspection to examine road conditions in the Tallong region.  Concerns raised with the Council included the repairing of pot holes, breaking edges and the narrowing of roads, vegetation growth along road edges, and faint road markings.
In particular, some residents are worried about a narrowing shoulder of the road near the railway bridge on Old Wingello Road where canoes and kayaks are launched onto the adjacent dam. The safety of people using this launching place is of concern when traffic appears unexpectedly. Council undertook to inspect the site with a view to widening and strengthening the road shoulder.
She’ll be Apples
A new feature of next year’s Apple Festival will be the Tallong Granny of the Year award. Granny Smith apples originated in Eastwood, NSW, in 1868 from a chance seedling propagated by Granny Maria Ann Smith. So to recognise the famous Granny Smith green apple with its crisp, juicy flesh, nominations in less than 50 words are invited for Tallong’s Best Granny. A condition of entry is that all Grannies nominated must agree to be present at the Festival on Sunday 6th May next. A short list of five finalists will be chosen.
A perpetual trophy will honour the winning Tallong Granny of the Year and there will be a trophy for the winner to take home as well.  Please put your nominations in the TCFG box at the Tallong General Store. Close of nominations is Monday 16th April
Please don’t forget the TCFG home-made produce stall at Apple Day.  When you are making your jams, chutneys and other items please make one or two extra for the stall.  Remember, all the proceeds will come back to benefit the community.

Please use this form to RSVP to our upcoming functions:


Contact phone number or email address:

      Christmas Party Sat 10 Dec - No. of adults ______ No. of children ________________

      Santa Sabina Dinner Sat 25 Feb 2012 $15pp No. of attendees _____ (please enclose correct money) 

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