Monday, October 24, 2011

Tallong Community Focus Group Newsletter - October 2011

Coming in…
The Tallong Community Focus Group has a new Committee elected at the annual general meeting on 1st September. President is Margaret Botticchio; Vice President Lionel Willison, Secretary Geoff Clark, Treasurer Dugald Black and the Committee members are Janet Black, Sharyn Ward, and John Lombard.  Helen Wise was elected but resigned for personal reasons.
The TCFG is an active community group that lobbies the Council and other regulatory bodies on behalf of all Tallong residents. It also helps to bring the community together in an enjoyable social setting. So, it has two important roles to play in the life of the community.  And it costs only $2.50 to be a member. What a bargain to have your say in what happens in your village!
Contact details: Margaret Botticchio Ph 4841 0324; Lionel Willison Ph 0418 609 572; Geoff Clark Ph 4841 0577 or 0437 409 336; Dugald Black 4841 0613; Janet Black 4841 0613; Sharyn Ward/Kettle Ph 4841 1502 or 0418 487 159
President Margaret Botticchio told the AGM she thought the community spirit shown over the past year had been brilliant. She said the integration of various groups and the TCFG had been impressive and strong links have been forged between community individuals, groups and the TCFG.  Special thanks were given to the Committee and office bearers, in particular to the outgoing Treasurer Mike Kennedy who has been playing an ever increasing role in organising the Newsletter, publicity in the Goulburn Post, as well as being the Apple Day convenor and the many other duties involved in being Treasurer.

John Lombard has taken over responsibility for the Newsletter and the Goulburn Post notes and he welcomes all contributions  or ph 4841 0265 or 0424 956 534. Just drop him a line.

Coming up…
Your Committee has an exciting program of events planned for the next 12 months. So, get out your diaries and jot down the following dates:
·         22nd November 2011 – Community Outreach meeting with Goulburn Mulwaree Council
·         10th December 2011 – Community Christmas party
·         16th December 2011 – Tallong Public School End of Year Presentation 12pm
·         17th December 2011 – Marulan Carols at 3pm
·         21st January 2012 – Community Picnic
·         25th February 2012 – Community walk, talk and dinner at Santa Sabina
·         4th March 2012 – Clean-up Australia
·         24th March 2012 – Bush Dance
·         6th May 2012 - Tallong Apple Day Festival

Reaching out…
The Community Outreach meeting on 22nd November at 6.30pm at the Tallong Memorial Hall is an important event to meet Goulburn Mulwaree Council representatives and senior staff. It is a unique opportunity for the Tallong community to raise issues directly with Council representatives.  So, if you have any questions contact the TCFG and we will submit a list to the Council prior to the meeting. Questions, please, in the TCFG letter box at the Tallong General Store or email to  Advance notice of your concerns helps the meeting to run smoothly and everyone gets their say. It is a golden opportunity to raise issues directly with the decision makers.

Walking out…
On Saturday 25th February next year we’re planning a walk, talk and dinner at Santa Sabina on the theme of the Native Plants of Tallong.  There will be a walk at 6pm followed by a three course dinner at Santa Sabina and an engaging guest speaker, Paul Collins, a historian, environmentalist, broadcaster, writer and former Catholic priest.
He is the author of twelve books including one many Tallong residents may know Burn: the epic story of bushfire in Australia.  Paul is an inspiring and witty speaker. He is well known as a commentator on environmental and population issues. He will talk about the Tallong bushland and environmental aspects of the Southern Highlands. He will be speaking from his wide experience as a historian, a conservationist and an environmentalist.
We expect this to be a very popular evening and the numbers will be limited, particularly as the evening will cost only $15 a head, BYO. We will need firm bookings so please ask for Janet or Margaret for information. More details about pre-booking will be in the next Newsletter but put the date in your diary: Sat 25th February 2012.

Firing up…

Chris Boland, President TRFB, reports: During a quiet and fire free period, the Tallong Brigade received a call to attend a motor accident on Highland Way south of Glenrock Station. Tallong One Alpha responded to find a Holden sedan had lost control on a southbound bend and was lying upside down in a drainage ditch. Thankfully the driver had crawled free and was unhurt, but the vehicle was leaking so much raw fuel that the petrol had filled the rear wheel wells. While there was no immediate environmental threat to any waterways, brigade members swiftly applied a blanket of fire retardant foam over and around the car. This substantially reduced the risk of accidental combustion, especially from sparks when the towie arrived to extricate the vehicle from the ditch.
With the new fire season running from 1st October until 31st March, now is a good time to clear away all those piles of firewood from underneath your wooden veranda and have a close look at all those overhanging tree branches. Also from 1st October, a Permit is required before lighting any fires in the open. The procedure is very simple, just a phone call to the Tallong Brigade Captain, Kevin Roberts, on 0418 221 019. He can issue the Permit and will advise how to proceed with notifying surrounding neighbours and Fire Control local HQ.

Being Crafty…
Calling all knitters, embroiderers and crocheters, all makers of jams and jellies, chutneys and relishes, all makers of items useful and funny – and we’re being non gender-specific here!
As one of the highlights of next year’s Apple Day, we want to have a Tallong Community Focus Group handicraft and produce stall selling items donated during the year. We are looking for help with donations. Can you assist us, please?
Perhaps before you put the knitting needles away for the year, could you make us an apple-themed beanie for instance? And whenever you make a batch of jam or chutney, could you make an extra one or two bottles for us? When the lavender blooms, would you dry some for making lavender bags later? If you enjoy wood-turning or pottery, could you give us a piece or two?  Even if you don’t have time to make the jam yourself, if you could donate the fruit, we can organise the making.
We will collect wherever, whatever and whenever! Make things in your own time and avoid the last minute rush. Contacts: Janet Black 48410613 or or Vicki Kennedy 48410330 or

Lights down… action…
Our summer movie program begins on Saturday 5th November with the brilliant musical Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.  Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell play two little girls from Little Rock who grew up on the wrong side of the track.  They are lounge singers on a transatlantic cruise, working their way to Paris. And even though Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend, the two singers enjoy the company of any eligible men they meet on the way… Curtain up is at 7pm at the Memorial Hall and light refreshments will be served. All welcome.

Tallong Christmas Party – December 10th
The traditional Tallong Village Christmas party will be held on Saturday 10th December 2011 starting at 5.30pm at the Memorial Hall. We’re looking for gold coin donations. Please bring a decoration for the tree, and some festive items suitable for Christmas hampers which will be raffled on the night.  There will be lots of games for the children.
Food will include a BBQ, salads and desserts. BYOG but there will be a canteen for soft drinks.   The highlight of the evening will be the arrival of Santa Claus.
Please RSVP by November 26. We need to know how many Adults and Children will be coming.  Call Janet (4841 0613) or Margaret (4841 0324) or Email

Subscriptions due…
With the new committee elected and the AGM over, subscriptions of $2.50 per adult are now due. Please contact a committee member and/or drop your money and details into the TCFG letter box outside the Tallong General Store. It’s a small price to pay for participating in the life of your community.

School is in…
Tallong Public School is now enrolling for 2012, so it’s time to contact the School Principal Sue Matthews on 4841 0292 for an appointment.  Choosing your local public primary school means your child is never too far from home!

There are great advantages in our small size as it generates great school spirit and pride among students, families and teachers.  There is a high level of local community involvement. The Tallong School offers before and after school care.

Calling for Ideas…
 We’re pretty sure many members of our Community have some brilliant ideas that could be developed into cultural or social projects for Tallong. You know people who say ‘if only Tallong had a night of…’ or ‘if only the Committee would put together a program of…’
Well, now’s your chance. We would welcome any suggestions of practical projects that could be developed for the benefit of the whole Community.

So, thinking caps on… don’t grizzle to your friends or family. Tell us and we’ll see if we can make it work. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Feedback and Updated Webpage and also Welcome Email from TCFG Secretary Geoff Clark

    Kind Regards,
    Jim and Eva Humphreys
