Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tallong Streetscape Volunteer Group

A Proposal to Form a “Tallong Streetscape Volunteer Group”

Proposal to Residents of Tallong
The TCFG are looking for expressions of interest from Tallong residents who might be interested in being part of a volunteer group to enhance the streetscape of the Tallong Village area by carrying out tasks outside of the Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s (GMC) scope of works. The group would operate under the auspices of the GMC and by the guidelines as set in the GMC Volunteers Handbook.

Scope of the Proposed Streetscape Volunteer Group
GMC have a scope of works for the Tallong area that is based on their ability to provide streetscape maintenance services within the confines of their budget.
From a maintenance perspective the Group would enhance the work of the GMC. i.e. edging of footpaths, weeding of public areas, whipper snipping of roadside verges within the Village boundaries, cleaning up of rubbish, pruning of shrubs along verges, removal of new growth trees, maintenance of the Memorial in the Park, maintenance around the “pot” and assistance to the elderly with maintenance of the nature strip in front of their homes.
The Group could also carry out projects to visually enhance areas of the Village eg. Doing something with the corner of Caoura Rd and the Highland Way such as maybe a stone wall with a Tallong Sign and/or some garden beds and improved handrails on the two sets of stairs.

What will GMC do for the Group
With Respect to Volunteers
·         A volunteer induction to overview: roles & responsibilities of Volunteers & Council, Code of Conduct & OH&S Policy & Procedures, Hazard Reporting, Emergency Procedures, First Aid Provisions, Accident/Injury Insurance Provisions & Council Policies & Procedures that apply to Volunteers.
·         Some one-off tasks requiring heavy equipment that would then allow the group to maintain an area.
·         Risk Assessments to enable tasks to be carried out with safety.
·         Provisions for the occasional Volunteer BBQ.
With Respect of Materials
·         Mulch for weed suppression.
·         Plants for revegetation & garden area creation.
·         Temporary safety signage
·         Loan of specialised equipment (following adequate training)

What will the Tallong Community Focus Group do for the Streetscape Group
The TCFG will provide:
·         The organisation of the Group.
·         The liaison with the GMC.
·         Work schedules.
·         Any required Safety Apparel.
·         A post working bee BBQ.

What You Need to Provide to the Group
A commitment to the Group with respect of:
·         Giving of your time.
·         Adherence to safe work rules & procedures.
·         Adherence to the guidelines of GMC’s Volunteer Handbook.

A Philosophy for the Group
·         To enjoy ourselves
·         To improve our knowledge of our community & our Council
·         To feel that we have achieved something for our community
·         To make each working bee a social occasion, some work and some relaxation!

This is an opportunity to take part in a community activity with no meetings, no pressure to be there every time, a great sense of achievement and finish off with a sausage or two.

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