Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Newsletter June 2011

Apple Day 2011
Wow! What a great day we had this year. The crowds were the biggest yet and we have had lots of positive feedback from the community & from visitors. The Focus Group has distributed the funds raised on the day to the groups in our community who make the day possible. We have kept some aside to pay our insurance which covers the Focus Group for all of the events and projects that it holds each year such as Apple Day, the Christmas Party and Cleanup Australia day.

The winners of the Focus Group Raffle were, 1st: Ray Rippon, 2nd: Rebecca Donaldson and 3rd: Julie Koerner. We would like to thank our many sponsors for their generosity.
The winners of the Photo Competition were, Samuel Gilson, Rebecca Smith, Jodie Mathews and Aleisha Judge. Highly commended were Ashley Smith & Sarah Gilson.
The winners of the Bake-off were, Lorraine Morris, Margaret Morris, Rob McDonald, Margaret Botticchio, Miriam Lockwood, Alex
McDonald & Susan Lund. Lorraine Morris was the Grand Champion.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Apple Day Committee members and the many volunteers who gave their time on Apple Day. Your contribution makes the day run smoothly and effortlessly.

Focus Group Noticeboard

Tallong Community Focus Group now has its own noticeboard at the Tallong General Store.  Have a look and see what is happening.  All coming events will be posted here as well as on our website

Tallong Public School News

Tallong Public School now has a permanent Principal. After many months in the role of acting Principal, Sue Mathews has been appointed to the position permanently. Congratulations Sue.

On Thursday 19th May, members of the Tallong Community Focus Group committee were treated to most impressive Power Point presentations by the primary class members at Tallong Public School on research they had done on fauna found in the district.
The before School Care Breakfast Club has been up and running since the beginning of

Term 2 with between 4 and 7 children making use of it on various days during the week.
This is a school-initiated activity to help working parents who may find it difficult to get to work by 9am if they cannot drop their children at school before 8.30 which is the time that teachers officially assume play-ground duty. Having breakfast at school is also intended to make getting out the door that much easier in the morning!
However, more volunteers are still needed to ease the load. If you can spare about 50 minutes, between 7.50am and 8.40am once a fortnight, the school office would like to hear from you. So far the only day fully covered is Tuesday, and the rest only by volunteers working weekly or more often (thank you Faye, Dianne and Chrissie!). The job is easy – putting out cereal, pouring juice, making toast and washing up; the children are delightful and polite and there is always a teacher on site if there should be any problems. The aim is to have 2 volunteers on each day and a roster large enough to allow for illness or holidays away. Please help if you can.

The Mystery Remains
 At Apple Day, an unknown boy’s photo, discovered in a box on the stage of the Memorial Hall (see above) was displayed in the hope that somebody could identify him. Several people commented that they thought he looked like Jim Watling and suggested he be approached.
Jim and Fran have now looked at the item and are convinced that he is no one they know and definitely not a member of the Watling family. So the mystery remains! Any other suggestions will be gratefully received.

St Stephens Church
St Stephens’s church now has a cross on the exterior. It has been a long time coming but now thanks to the efforts of our local signwriter and parishioner, Alan Weston, the finishing touch has been applied.

The Apple Day Committee would like to thank all of our local sponsors:
 M&M Earthworks for sponsorship of the Photo Comp and some last miute repair work in the Park
Tallong General Store for their support with the promotion of Apple Day
Marulan Rural Supplies for sponsorship and a loan of straw bales for the archery
Marulan Newsagency for sponsorship of the Bake-off
Alan Weston Signs for all of our signs and banners
Hair by Rhonda, Sue Jones and Nerida Tipping for sponsorship of the raffle
Please support these businesses as they have supported us

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