Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tallong PS Newsletter Term 1 Week 6

Principal’s Report
This week I would like to make mention of the fabulous learning support staff we have at Tallong PS. Mrs Hall comes every Tuesday and works in the classrooms supporting the classroom teachers and she also works  with individuals and small groups focusing on Literacy and Numeracy skills. Mrs Hayes visits every second week to provide support to Mrs Hall as well as completing many individual assessments and /or carrying out duties for the classroom teachers that will better help them support individual learning needs within the classroom setting. These staff members have a wealth of experience and knowledge and contribute so much to the learning outcomes of the students at Tallong Public School.
S. Matthews

Week 6
Thursday 1st March         Art Club $2 with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm 
Friday 2nd March            SRC Freezing Fun             Ice Blocks 50c
 Week 7
 Monday 5th March           Explorer’s Club $2           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 7th March        Playgroup 9:15am
                                        Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 8th March  Art Club $2 with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Friday 9th March            P&C AGM 3:15pm
                                            SRC Freezing Fun             Ice Blocks 50c 
    Sunday 11th March      Working Bee 9am
Week 8 
Monday12th March          Explorer’s Club $2           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 14th March     Playgroup 9:15am
                                          Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 15th March      Art Club $2 with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Friday 16th March              SRC Freezing Fun             Ice Blocks 50c  
Week 9 
Monday19th March           Explorer’s Club $2           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 21st March     Go Purple for Epilepsy    SRC Fundraiser
                                          Playgroup 9:15am
                                          Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 22nd MarchArt Club $2 with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm -4:30pm
Friday 23rd March                   SRC Ice Cream Freezing Fun Friday 50c                                     

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tallong Public School Term 1 Week 5 Newsletter

Principal’s Report
The term is in full swing and the before and after school activities are up and running. The new art club on Thursday afternoons was well received by those who attended last week. A big thank you to Margaret Bottichio, Chrissy, Chloe and Heidi Wursten for their input.
We continue to have fantastic support from our community members with these before and after school clubs and the staff and parents are truly appreciative.
We also have so many parents that contribute in big ways and small and I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support to the staff and students at our school. It is this support that makes our school such a wonderful place.
S. Matthews

Yesterday’s swimming carnival was a great success due to many factors. Firstly the student’s behaviour was outstanding and all who participated gave their best. We had some students compete in the 50 Metre carnival for the first time and surprised themselves with how well they did. We were able to field a senior relay team and a  small school relay team which were both competitive.
On top of this Tyson Lewis was also awarded 12 Years Age Champion! Well done Tyson

Recently this gardening fairy planted a row of natives alongside the K-2 verandah and some time back planted a lovely row of petunias along the path to the library. Mrs Perger thought she had a secret admirer, but no, it was the gardening fairy aka Julie Grills. Thank you Julie.   
Audition: A Kidsummer Night’s Dream

This will be held on 21st and 22nd April  at the THSPA ( 73 Kirkham Rd, Bowral).
Sat 21st: 3-5pm
Sun 22nd 1pm onwards

Upcoming Events
Week 6
Monday 27th February                Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 29th February       Choral concert rehearsal   (3-6)
                                                 Playgroup 9:15am
                                                 Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm Thursday 1st March          Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Week 7 
Monday 5th March            Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 7th March       Playgroup 9:15am
                                          Games Club         3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 8th  March           Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Friday 9th March                P&C AGM  3:15pm
Sunday 11th March             Working Bee 9am
Week 8
Monday12th March             Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 14th March       Playgroup 9:15am
                                            Games Club          3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 15th  March          Art Club with Mrs Botticchio  3:15pm - 4:30pm

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tallong Bush Dance, March 24, 2012

Following the success of last year’s Country Dance the Tallong Community Focus Group is again hosting a Bush Dance.

WHEN: Saturday 24th March
WHERE: Tallong Memorial Hall, Memorial Drive, Tallong
TIME: 7.30pm to 10.30pm
DRESS: Smart Casual to Formal
BAND: Mountain Dew (there will be a caller)
EATS: Tallong La Pomme Cafe –will serveTea /Coffee with a light supper food also available. Kiosk foods will be available such as crisps, soft drinks, ice creams and lollies. These will be on sale at our usual low prices.
BYOG & Soft Drinks
Children are most welcome and flood lights will be set up outside if they wish to play on the playground equipment or in the park.
COSTS: $5.00 per head
TICKET SALES: Tickets will be sold prior to the dance. For information & tickets: 1. See the Tallong website for the application form (; 2. Pick up a form from the Tallong General Store or 3. Contact - Lionel on 0418 609 572.
RSVP: For catering purposes, forms are to be submitted with payment to the Tallong General Store or in the Focus Group letter box at the Store by March 19.
Application Form for the Tallong Bush Dance – March 24, 2012 at the Tallong Memorial Hall, 7.30 to 10.30pm
Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Contact telephone number: ------------------------
Email address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of people: --------------------
Money paid: ---------------

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tallong Public School Term 1 Week 4 Newsletter

The Kanga’s are back in their now freshly painted classroom, our school has been successful in receiving a $30,000 solar grant from the government and I was recently told we have been allocated funding to place a new retaining wall around our playing field.
These maintenance and improvement works are very exciting. The solar panels grant will include solar panels on the COLA roof, rainwater tanks in 3 locations and software that will engage students in data collection.
A working bee will be held on 11th March to erect a cricket net around the cricket pitch. We are also investigating the possibly of replacing the cement pitch with a synthetic one.
We are very excited about these recent investments in our school and the benefits they provide to our students.
S. Matthews

Tyson Lewis ( Secretary)

Upcoming Events
Term 1
Week 4                                          
Thursday 16th February       Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Week 5
                                      Monday 20th February                Explorer’s Club               3:15pm - 4:45pm 
                                      Tuesday 21st February               Swimming Carnival (3-6)
                                       Wednesday 22nd February        Playgroup commences. 9:15am
                                            Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23rd February       Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm                      
                                      Friday 24th February                   District Swimming Carnival  
  Week 6
                                      Monday 27th February       Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
                                      Wednesday 29th February       Choral concert rehearsal       (3-6)
                                                                              Playgroup 9:15am
                                                                              Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
                                      Thursday 1st March                Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm

Week 7
                                       Monday 5th March Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
                                      Wednesday 7th March               Playgroup 9:15am
                                                                               Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
                                       Thursday 8th  March                  Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
                                       Friday 9th March P&C AGM  3:15pm
                                       Sunday 11th March Working Bee 9am

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tallong Public School Term 1 Week 3 Newsletter

Principal’s Report
This week Mrs Neale completed Best Start assessments on our Kindergarten students.  Feedback to parents about information arising from these assessments will be given out in early March.
Mrs Neale and I have also completed initial spelling assessments on students in 2-6 and this information will be informing our teaching in Spelling.
Some parents have made appointments to discuss the year ahead and their child’s learning. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment if you have any queries or concerns. We are always happy to meet with you.
S. Matthews

Claiming the date!
A working bee will be held on Sunday 11th March to construct a cricket net around our cricket pitch. Any help is much appreciated. We will be aiming for a 9am 

Thanks to the enthusiastic collecting of Woolworths vouchers last year we were able to purchase some sand toys and maths equipment. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to receive these items for our playground and classrooms.

 The Lions Club Of Marulan & District
Upcoming Events
Term 1
Week 4 
Monday 13th February                Explorer’s Club
                                                       3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 15th February        Playgroup 9:15am
                                                  Games Club               3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 16th February        Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Week 5
Monday 20th February    Explorer’s Club               3:15pm - 4:45pm
Tuesday 21st February     Swimming Carnival (3-6)
Wednesday 22nd February        Playgroup commences. 9:15am
                                              Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 23rd February      Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm                     
Friday 24th February                   District Swimming Carnival

Week 6
Monday 27th March             Explorer’s Club           3:15pm - 4:45pm
Wednesday 29th February      Choral concert rehearsal       (3-6)
Playgroup 9:15am
Games Club                 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 1st March     Art Club with Mrs Botticchio 3:15pm - 4:30pm

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tallong Apple Day Festival May 6 2012 - competition entry forms

Tallong Apple Day Festival
Tallong’s 2012 Apple Granny of the Year
Nominate your Granny to be Tallong’s Apple Granny of the Year. We want you to tell us, in 50 words or less, why your Granny, Nanna, or Grandma is the best in the world. The winner will be announced at the opening ceremony of the Tallong Apple Festival day at 10am on Sunday 6th May and will receive a trophy.  All Grannies must have a Tallong connection and be present at the Apple Day Festival.
I (name & contact phone or email)…………………………………………………………  wish to nominate my Granny (name & contact phone or email)
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… be the 2012 Tallong Apple Granny of the Year.
My Granny is the best in the world… because:

Shrunken Apple Head Character Competition
This competition is open to school age children.  Rules for the competition and instructions on how they are made are also available at .

 The three categories for the Best Shrunken Head Character are:
·         Kindergarten to Year 2 (inclusive)         
·         Year 3 to Year 6 (inclusive)
·         High School students
First Prize and Highly Commended will be given in each category.    A Certificate and cash prize will be given to the first prize winner in each category.
Entries must be at Tallong Memorial Hall on Saturday the 5th May between 9am and 11am. Please attach your name & category to the character.
Judging will take place prior to Apple Day.
Prize winners will be announced at 9.30am on Apple Day, Sunday 6th May.
All entries become the property of Tallong Community Focus Group and will be sold on Apple Day
The decision of the judges will be final.

Shrunken head apples are fun to make and very easy. They're a fantastic and creepy Halloween decoration and would be fun for kid’s parties. Apple head dolls are an age old folk art. Like corn husk dolls, apple head dolls came about as a craft and a toy made from readily available items. Creating apple heads requires the use of sharp tools, so this craft is not suitable for very young children.
Things You'll Need
Apple, Corer, Peeler, Paring Knife, Small Bowl, 1 Cup Lemon Juice, 1TBSP Salt, Baking Rack
How to Make Them
1.     Mix salt and lemon juice together in a small bowl.
2.    Use the corer to remove the core of the apple.
3.    Peel all the skin from the apple using the peeler.
4.    Soak the apple in the bowl for ten minutes.
5.    Carve holes for eyes and mouth using the tip of the peeler or paring knife.
6.    To create a nose or eyebrows, remove apple around those areas so that they stick out of the face.
7.    Place the carved apple back in the bowl to soak for another two minutes. This preserves the apple so it doesn't act moldy or rot quickly
8.    Remove the apple from the bowl and place it on the baking rack.
9.    Store the rack in a dry place for five to seven days. When you remove them, they'll look fantastically spooky
Tips & Warnings
·      You can get really creative with carving the facial features. Remember that the apple is going to shrink so it will look different from the way you carve it. That's the fun!
·      While the apples are drying out, check on them a few times. You may want to turn them upside down after a few days.
·      Shrunken head apples can be decorated by putting hats on them, sparkles, sticking pins in them, etc. Again, get creative!
·      If children are going to do this project, adult supervision will be required.
·      Adults should handle all of the apple cutting.

Mrs “T”’s Apple day
Bake-Off Competition ENTRY FORM
N.B. All entries must include apples as an ingredient
Cakes                                                                  Tarts/Slices
Pies                                                                     Jams
Chutney                                                              Children’s Section
Anything apple by a Male

A list of ingredients must be attached to each item entered

Entries MUST be accompanied by one form for each item entered
Contestant’s Name: .......................................................
Address: .........................................................................       
Phone: ............................................................................
Email: .............................................................................
Have your entries at Tallong Memorial hall by 9 a.m. sharp on the 6th of May covered in clear plastic on a non-returnable plate.
All entries are to be donated to the Tallong Apple Day Committee for sale to 
the Public on the day.
    Any enquiries, please phone:  Faye on 4841 0727

"The Apple of My Eye" Photographic Competition
Tallong Apple Day Festival  1st Sunday in MAY
Attach to the back of your entry
9 years & under                      10 to 14 years                     15 years & over
Tick box next to appropriate category
POSTAL ADDRESS:______________________________________________________
Day _______________________ Evening______________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:   ____________________________________________________
A photo of someone or something in Tallong that you love. The subject could be a person, a pet, a building or scenery.
Photos have to have been taken in the Tallong District in the last 12 months.
Entrants must be amateur photographers and the photo must be their own work.
Age categories: 9 years & under, 10 to 14 years, 15 years & over.
Entrants can submit up to 3 photos as prints only. Photos are to be in colour. Prints are to be mounted on cardboard of A4 size. Prints are not to be digitally enhanced.
Entries are to have the Entry Form affixed to the back of the cardboard.
Laws must not be breached when taking the photo. Entrants have to have obtained permission of any people featured in the photo. Permission must be given by parents/guardians if photos are of children under 16.
By entering, entrants grant the Tallong Apple Day Festival Committee the right to publish and exhibit their photos.
The judge's decision is final. If the winners are unable to be contacted, after reasonable attempts have been made, the prize will go to the runner up.
By entering, entrants are bound by the rules of this photo competition. The Tallong Apple Day Festival Committee reserves the right to cancel or change the rules of this competition at any time.
Entrants can collect their entries at 4pm on Apple Day – May 1st, 2011.
Entries must be submitted by 15th April, 2011., All entries to Vicky Kennedy, 20 Bottlebrush Close, Tallong. Contacts: Phone: 0248410330 Mob: 0438619846 Email: