Monday, January 9, 2012

Newsletter Jan 2012

Dinner at Santa Sabina
The Tallong Community Dinner at Santa Sabina College on Saturday 25th February is proving very popular. Numbers are limited and already dozens of bookings have been made. So, if you haven’t yet done so, make up a table and book it in – as soon as possible.
The guest speaker is the well-known author, broadcaster, and concerned environmentalist, Paul Collins. He says: “If we respect the world, we will respect the environment. We will respect other creatures, other species, and in a way I think we will respect ourselves much better. Sadly, we cannot bring back what has already been lost to extinction.”
The evening will begin at 6pm with nibbles and drinks followed by a Twilight Walk in the various ecological systems on the campus. Dinner is at 7.30pm. Paul will speak after the main course but there will be plenty of opportunity for questions and a chat after the dinner. The cost is $15pp. Drink is BYOG.  Please note that the whole Santa Sabina campus is smoke-free.
For catering purposes, we need to know final numbers. So, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page and hand it to the Tallong General Store. Please NO money or forms in the TCFG box.

BOOK NOW!!    

Please use this form to RSVP to the Santa Sabina dinner on Sat 25 February.
Contact phone number or email address:
Cost is $15pp – no of attendees ____­­(please enclose correct money)

Movie Time
Our summer movie season continues with two films that will appeal particularly to children, but to adults as well. The first will be shown after the Tallong Community Picnic on Saturday 28th January.
The annual picnic is a popular event. Starting at noon, picnickers are invited to bring their own food and drink. BBQ facilities will be provided.  It’s a great opportunity for everybody in the village to get together.
The main feature after lunch is the exciting hit Australian movie Red Dog, based on a legendary true story. It tells the tale of the Red Dog who united a disparate local community while roaming the Australian outback in search of his long lost master. 
But earlier in the week, at 2pm on Tuesday 24th January is another Australian classic Happy Feet.  
The story takes place in the world of the Emperor Penguins, who find their soul mates through song. But one penguin is born who cannot sing.
On the other hand, he knows how to tap dance, something the other penguins have never seen before!  
Both films are ideal holiday fun for all audiences. So, roll up and enjoy Australian film-making at its best.

School Prize-winners…
Last month, the Tallong Public School held a very successful Presentation Assembly for 2011 before a large audience of appreciative parents, teachers and the Mayor of Goulburn, local Tallong resident Geoff Kettle.
Principal Sue Matthews welcomed the crowd and was full of praise for her pupils. The TCFG Community Citizenship Award was presented by TCFG President Margaret Bottichio to Tyson Lewis.
The Lions Club – Tony Cosgrove Award for emerging leadership was presented by Lion Walter Darda to Finlay Maguire.  Brandon Porter won the TPS Citizenship Award and Alexander McDonald won the Pru Goward Award for reading improvement.
The Assembly opened with a music performance by the children under the tutorship of Miss K Abotomey. And the afternoon wound up with a Sing-A-Long and a visit by a large man with a white beard and a sack of presents who arrived on the Tallong Fire Truck.

 Tango One Bravo…
The Tallong Rural Fire Service is now the proud owner of a new Category 1 Fire Truck. The Isuzu FTS755 is an important upgrade for the Brigade as it has ergonomically designed pump outlets and increased tank capacity.
“Tallong One Bravo” has an extra 55 horsepower over the old tanker which means response times should be improved.  With the Brigade having to deal with motor vehicle accidents and highway assistance as well as fires, every second counts.
The new truck is equipped with instant response 20 and 25-mm diameter reel mounted hoses on the rear deck and its 38-mm semi-percolating hoses coupled together can reach more than 300 metres.
 One of the most dangerous aspects of the Rural Fire Fighter’s job is a fire over-run. This happens when a unit is caught out by a rapidly advancing fire front with no time to make a retreat.
This is an extremely rare occurrence, but crew safety is a highlight in the new Cat 1 with a spray system operated from inside the cab.  With the touch of a button, a continuous spray of water flows over and under the cab, around the wheels and over the surrounding grass.  And the crew are kept safe inside.
Tallong RFS meet at the Fire Shed every Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm. Visitors and potential new members are always welcome.

Calling all Grannies…
The Tallong Apple Day Festival committee is calling for nominations for the Tallong Granny of the Year award to commemorate Granny Smith apples. They originated in Eastwood, NSW, in 1868 from a chance seedling propagated by Granny Maria Ann Smith. We’re looking for nominations in fewer than 50 words for Tallong’s best Granny.
All nominated Grannies must be present at the Festival on Sunday 6th May next. The winner’s name will go on a perpetual trophy and she will get a replica to take home. Nominations please in the TCFG box at the Tallong General store.
So, all you Tallong grandkids: tell us who Tallong’s best Granny is for 2012. 

Bulk purchase special deal…
 One member of our community is trying to organise a special bulk purchase discount with various electricity companies. If you are interested, please contact Julee D'Alcorn: or leave a note in the TCFG letterbox at the Tallong General Store.