Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tallong Community Focus Group Annual General Meeting Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes of the

Annual General Meeting
Tallong Community Focus Group Inc.
1st September, 2011
Venue:  Tallong Memorial Hall
Time: 7.30pm

The meeting opened at 7.37pm by President, Margaret Botticchio.

Lynn Blazer, Denise and Steve Gallagher, Jean and John Lombard, Peter and Helene O’Shaughnessy, Sue Matthews, Geoff Kettle, Aleta and Martin Curry, Helen Wise, Sue and Russell Montgomery

Minutes and Reports:
Read. Moved: David Leese Seconded: Lionel Willison. 
Accepted. Moved: Janet Black  Seconded: David Woods

Business Arising:

General Business: (aspects of the President’s report which generated some discussion)

Tallong Public School before school care: there was a question in regards to the background to the program of community volunteers who assist the school between 8 and 8.30am each school day. All volunteers have been through a training and Crim-check program and have had a very positive experience with the 3-13 cheery students who attend.

Tallong Village Markets – there was a question about why the markets had disappeared. Although the previous trials were successful, it was stated that produce was seasonal in any case. However, a new co-ordinator is required for these to be resurrected.

Business arising from the Treasurer’s Report:

There was a discussion about how the Apple Day profits were distributed to community groups and the original allocation of a grant from the TCFG to the Tallong Recreational Reserve Trust.

Further Business

Streetscape Volunteer Program: Mike Kennedy the convenor gave the background to this GM Council accredited program. After an induction session volunteers will engage in local care and maintenance projects in the Tallong which are agreed with Council. Any residents who have ideas were urged to submit them to the TCFG committee. Carl Wise said that clearance of vegetation near the Highland/Bumballa Streets intersection is necessary as a safety measure. Paul Holmes asked if there was an overall plan for the Village/region. It was stated that initially this is to be a hands-on program but that such a plan could be considered by the committee in the near future and suggestions would be welcome.

Committee seats vacated -  pre-nominations for committee were received and accepted. Helen Wise was nominated from the floor, to be on the committee. 
Assumption of seats by incoming committee members – President – Margaret Botticchio; Vice President -  Lionel Willison; Geoff Clark (Secretary); Dugald Black (Treasurer). Committee members:- Janet Black, Sharyn Ward, John Lombard and Helen Wise.

Closing summary by the President:
This year has been a brilliant one in terms of our community: she was impressed with the degree of integration of various groups and the TCFG have achieved. Strong links have been forged between community individuals, groups and the TCFG. Special thanks were given to the committee and office bearers and in particular to the retiring Treasurer Mike Kennedy who has been actively involved beyond that role at the hall, Newsletter, publicity in the Goulburn Post, Apple Day committee convenor, etc, etc.

Meeting Closed : 8.52pm