Saturday, March 5, 2011


Tallong Community Focus Group Newsletter March 2011

Apple Day 2011
Excitement is building within the Tallong Community Focus Group and the Apple Day Festival Committee as the preparations for Apple Day progress.  Community groups such as the Rural Fire Brigade, Tallong School and their P& C, the Hall Trust, local church groups, other interested groups and individuals too numerous to mention are combining their efforts to make the 2011 Tallong Apple Day Festival “the best festival ever”.
This year we are asking everyone to spread the word that “the best festival ever” is on in Tallong on Sunday 1st May, 2011.  There will be free entertainment, games, archery, wood chop, displays, market stalls, competitions, a parade and our ever popular Bake-Off auction. 
A highlight of Apple Day is our food court.  There will be food to tantalise all taste buds.  Sit back and enjoy coffee and a yummy dessert as you listen to the music of Jim Bennet.
 Mountain Dew will be performing at the front of the hall.  Patty McKinnon and Australia Sings will also be performing.  This year we hope to have some surprise guest performers.
Mrs T’s Bake-Off Competition gives one and all the opportunity to display their culinary skills. Marulan Newsagency is sponsoring the Bake-Off.  Applications are available at Tallong General Store, Marulan Newsagency and from our website
Get your entries in for ‘The Apple of My Eye Photographic Competition’.  M&M Earthworks are our sponsors this year. Once again, Tony Sheffield, the Head Photographer of Highlife Magazine will be our judge.  Rules and application Forms are available from Tallong General Store, Marulan Newsagency and our website Entries must be in by the 15th of April, 2011.
‘The Clowning Around on Apple Day Parade’ is sponsored by Graeme Day at 2ST.  Dress up and be part of all the fun.  Contact Lynn Blazer mob: 0431 772 712 for more details or go to our website
The Apple Day Raffle is big this year and there are some wonderful prizes to win.  A ticket costs only $2.00 and if you win I can guarantee you will be smiling from ear to ear.  Prizes include an accommodation package at the Country Comfort Greenway in Canberra, a wellness day for two at Solar Springs Health Retreat, dinner for two at Trappers Restaurant, Movie passes for Lilac Cinema, High Tea and two bottles of red wine from Centennial Vineyards, a beautiful quilt by Sue Jones, an original painting by Nerida Tipping and lots of other items.
To ease the parking blues on the day, we have off street parking in Bumballa Street.  Just follow the signs.  Handicap parking will be on Memorial Drive, right near the food court (entrance via Bumballa Street.)

Highland Way Road Safety Survey.
The results of this survey show that the majority of residents in Tallong do not wish to see any change in speed limits on highland way. The results were about 70/30.
Focus Group Noticeboard

Tallong Community Focus Group now has its own noticeboard at the Tallong General Store.  Have a look and see what is happening.  All coming events will be posted here as well as on our website


We are holding the dance earlier this year in the hope that the weather will be a bit warmer.
WHEN:  Saturday 2nd April
TIME:      7.30pm
DRESS:  Smart Casual to Formal
BAND:  Mountain Dew (there will be a caller)
DANCE STYLES: Bush and Ballroom dances.  Members of a ballroom dance club will be coming.
EATS: Tallong La Pomme Cafe Menu –Tea /Coffee $1.00 Cakes and Slices $2.00 each. Kiosk foods will be available such as crisps, soft drinks, ice creams and lollies.  These will be on sale at our usual low prices.
BYOG & Soft Drinks
Children are most welcome and flood lights will be set up outside if they wish to play on the playground equipment or in the park.
COSTS:  $5.00 per head
TICKET SALES: Tickets will be sold prior to the dance. For information & tickets please contact Mike on 0438 619 846, Lionel on 0418 609 572 or Helen on 4841093

Tallong Picnic & Recreation Reserve Trust AGM.
The AGM for the Recreation Reserve Trust will be held on the 10th March, 2011 at 7.30pm in the Tallong Memorial Hall.
Work on the playing field has been slowed by the heavy rain that we have had making it difficult for heavy machinery to operate there without becoming bogged. As a consequence quite a bit of shrubbery has resprouted and will require slashing before seeding can take place.
Boral Train Dust Notification.
The issue of dust blowing from the Trains carrying Limestone from the Boral Quarry has been raised with Boral management. I have been asked to encourage you to contact the Limestone Quarry site on 4820 3000 to report the issue. It would be especially helpful if you could call the next time you see it happen, as prevailing weather conditions and time of day can then be noted and factored into a response. The phone number is the site's main number and will connect you with Boral’s processes for recording and addressing external concerns.
Apple Day Needs You!
We need some Volunteers on Apple Day for manning gates and displays. Even an hour of your time on Apple Day would lighten the load for the organisers and help make the day run smoothly. We have some volunteers already but need quite a few more. If you can spare the time please contact Mike on 0438 619 846.

The Focus Group would like to thank the Tallong General Store for their support with many of our functions and with the promotion of Apple Day

* TCFG Newsletter January 2011 *
On behalf of the TCFG Committee, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope all have had a very happy and relaxing Christmas.
Focus Group Members BBQ
In 2010 we had a BBQ for our members to thank them for their support. Everyone who came said they enjoyed it very much and as a result we hope this will become an annual event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet and greet our members.
Tallong History Book Launch
What a success! We had a wonderful turnout of Tallong residence and guests to this significant event in Tallong’s history. Geoff Kettle, (Mayor of Goulburn/Mulwaree) whose family have resided in Tallong for several generations, launched the book, giving a personal and moving account of his strong family ties to the area. Thank you to the sub-committee who worked so hard researching and writing the book. This book would not have become a reality without the significant contribution from Tallong residents who provided photos, records and memories. The committee is very grateful to the Australian Historical Society, who provided a grant to assist us in the publication of ‘Tallong – A Heritage’. The book has been well received by the community. If you are yet to get your copy they are available at Tallong General Store and Marulan Newsagency. Cost is $20.00.
Community Christmas Party
The combined efforts of Tallong Rural Fire Service and the TCFG helped make this year’s Christmas Party a resounding success. The Fire Brigade cooked up a great BBQ and the TCFG provided the salads and desserts. It was all yummy. This combined with good company and the Christmas spirit made for a very happy time. Thank you to the Fire Brigade for delivering Santa to this year’s event. Santa, being as busy as he is at this time of year, was grateful to the Fire Brigade for organising the treats for the children. It was great that so many came along and enjoyed the party. Sue Montgomery was the happy winner of the hamper.
Apple Day 2011
Plans for Apple Day are progressing. We have an enthusiastic team on the committee. This year’s convener is Mike Kennedy. His capable and energetic committee are Geoff Clark, Faye Danckwardt, Ian Mitchell, Lynn Blazer, Lionel Willison, Sharyn Ward, Dugald & Janet Black& Vicky Kennedy. Additional assistance has been offered by some residents. If you can spare an hour or two on the day please contact Mike Kennedy, after 5pm on 48410330 or mob 0438619846. This year you can look forward to more free entertainment, games and giveaways. The Bake-Off is being sponsored by Marulan Newsagency and there will be great prizes for the winners of the different categories. The Apple of My Eye Photographic Competition is being sponsored by M&M Earthmoving. Winners of each category will be presented with a monetary prize. Tony Sheffield, from Highlife Magazine, will be judging the competition. This year our raffle tickets will be on sale well before the event and will be drawn on the day. A successful raffle will help us pay for our insurance and will help us give more back to community groups. With this in mind we will be offering community groups and club’s the opportunity to sell the tickets and then take half the money for what they sell. Sponsors are beginning to come forward and we would like to
publicly thank Trappers Restaurant, Lilac Cinema, Complete Photographic’s, Country Comfort Greenway, Solar Springs Health Retreat, Centennial Winery, Goulburn Tourist Centre and Country Energy.
Speed Limit Survey
Some residents have expressed concerns regarding the speeds limit along the Highland Way and the Focus Group has been asked to lobby the relevant Government Departments to have the speed limit reduced to 80kph. These residents see the Highland Way as being inadequate for coping with a 100kph speed limit because of its of varying widths, 100kph approach to the dip, the narrow viaduct, animals often on the road, the trees which line the road which could result in a vehicle heading for the trees in the event of a sudden stop and heavy vehicles are using the road frequently. With respect to the residents, we have decided to carry out a survey, to ascertain the feelings of the entire community. It is in your interest to register your opinion by filling out the form below and putting it in the Focus Group letter box at the Tallong General Store.
YES - the speed limit should be reduced to 80kph.
NO – the speed limit should remain at 100kph.
Bush Regeneration Project in the area bounded by Highland Way, Caoura Rd and Memorial Ave.
Work has been progressing on the site and it has been cleared of all unwanted material such as
dead, burnt and dying understory, tree stumps left after removal of trees and manmade rubbish, such as glass, plastic and metal.
There has been some survival from the fire, particularly with ground cover and Eucalyptus species. The top level consisting of trees is already well catered for as the taller Eucalyptus survived the fire and will eventually cast off their dead branches. There are many small Eucalyptus returning as well. Some seeding will be required in the SW corner. A good list of suitable plants has been obtained using the Botanist report published in "Tallong, a Heritage" as one of the sources.
Good News!
In 2010 the TCFG applied for a grant from NSW Government Community Building Partnership Program to put solar cells on the roof of the Tallong Memorial Hall and to provide heating for the hall interior. We have just received notice that our application has been successful but as yet are unsure as for how much etc. Hopefully, next winter, we will be able to heat the hall to a temperature that is more comfortable.
Movies @ Tallong Hall
Please watch for our movie program on the Tallong General Store notice board, in your email, on our web site, and the notice board of Tallong Park Estate. We have good news for our movie goers. We now have an amplifier which greatly improves the volume and clarity of the sound. Hope to see you all at the movies in 2011.

Tallong Community Focus Group Newsletter -  November 2010

Tallong History Book Launch
You are invited to the launch of the Tallong history book  
“Tallong: a heritage”
on Saturday 27 November 2010  from 4 pm to 6 pm at
The Tallong Memorial Hall, Memorial Drive, Tallong
Cr Geoff Kettle, Mayor of Goulburn-Mulwaree Council,
will be officiating.
Afternoon tea will be served
To assist with numbers for catering please RSVP by 22 November 2010
Margaret Botticchio (4841 0324 or  or
Janet Black (4841 0613 or

History Book Pre- Order Form - (can be paid to any committee member)
Cost per book:  $20.00  
Number of Books  ___     Total Cost $_______
Pre-ordered books can be collected at the book launch. Books will be on-sale at the launch and Children’s Christmas Party as your last chance before Christmas.

Your committee:
President: Vicky Kennedy Ph. 48410330
Vice President:  Margaret Botticchio Ph.48410324
Secretary: Geoff Clark Ph.48410577
Treasurer: Michael Kennedy Ph.48410330
Committee Members: 
Janet Black 48410613           Dugald Black 48410613
Ian Mitchell 48410877          Helen Wise 48410093
Lionel Willison 0418 609 572.
Calendar of Events - Aug 2010 to Aug 2011
At the Movies – December 4th – movie to be advised
Christmas Party – Friday December 10th, 5pm-9pm
Tallong Community Picnic Day – Saturday 22nd January, 2011
Clean Up Australia Day – March 6th, 2011
Bush Dance – March 26th, 2011
Apple Day – Sunday 1st May, 2011

Tallong Children’s Christmas Party  - December 10
Together with the Tallong Rural Fire Brigade, the Focus Group will provide a fun afternoon and evening of games for the children, socialising for the adults, a sausage sizzle and a visit from Santa; adults please BYOG. Come along from 5pm to enjoy some Christmas spirit! To assist with numbers for catering please RSVP by 03 December 2010
No of Adults................ No of Children..................Contact No.........................................
Please place this RSVP tab in Focus Group Letterbox at Tallong Store or contact Mike Kennedy on 0438 619 846 or e-mail

Vale: Maggie Thatcher

Maggie Thatcher passed away in October. Maggie has been an active member of our community since she and her husband George moved to Tallong. She spent many hours at our local school assisting the children with their reading and was an active member of the church and the Country Women’s Association.  Maggie was a member of the Apple Day Committee from the beginning and ran the Bake-off. She will be sadly missed within the community.
Bushwalking Group
Martin Curry is interested in starting a bushwalking group. If you would like to participate in the group you can contact Martin on 0411 559 064.
Tallong Picnic & Recreation Reserve Trust

Work is continuing on restoring the “Old Tallong Cricket Ground”. Early in the year the trees that had taken over the area were knocked down and any retrievable timber was cut up by members of the community and taken for firewood. The stumps and other debris were pushed up into piles and they have recently been burnt off by the Rural Fire Service. The next task is to clear the smaller scrubs that have grown since the initial clearing and then to till the soil and spread some grass seed.
The Reserve Trust had applied, last year, to the Lands Department for a grant to set up amenities on the grounds and they have now approved the grant.

Apple Day Festival Dance
For our next Apple Day Festival we have decided to hold the dance on the 26th of March 2011 so that it will be a bit warmer in the Hall. Everyone at this year’s dance had a great time even though it was a tad chilly in the hall so hopefully with the date set for a warmer time in the year we will have an even better time. We will provide more details as the date draws closer.